the grass will never be greener than you decide it is today

Friday, February 26, 2010

who knew turning over leaves could be so hard?

being at college is the turning over of a new leaf. It is the opportunity for new beginnings, and for changing all those wretched habits that you had in high school that you don't want to carry with you. thus far in my college experience i have done no turning over of leaves, and as for habits-- i feel like i've gained far worse ones than i ever had in high school. but this past week i've begun to realize how my living style has secluded me from any social happenings whatsoever. Each person's personality has qualities that either fit them in the introvert or the extrovert categories. An introvert being a person who 'charges' their batteries in the seclusion of their own home, or just by themselves in a quiet place. An extrovert, as you can probably guess, is just the opposite. The extrovert has more energy and is revived in large groups, more specifically with people of whom they are well associated. Anyone who has spent any time with me at all could easily tell you that i am the latter. i enjoy being and extrovert, and revel in spending time with lots of good friends all at once. I hope that none of you who may be reading this will take offense when i say that i am in need of a larger social circle. i'm not currently participating in any extra-cirricular groups, which as my dear mother so loves to remind me, is a portion of the problem. but after being so 'anti-social' for so long, its really hard to break free of that. being a hermit is easy, and i always get my school work done, but my personality's "batteries" are in dire need of charging. I don't want to simply invite over my FHE brothers (don't read me wromg, they are all really great guys) but as i said before, i want my horizons broadened. i want to meet new people and have friends outside of my apartment. i want to go out and do things on the weekends, take pictures and create inside jokes. i want the true college experience. i want to flirt, play, run, smile, try new things, ask questions, study harder, love more freely, let go of inhibitions, learn to paint, discover new music, make my own music, write poetry, have a best friend, go puddle splashing, wake up earlier, go to bed earlier, study my scriptures more diligently, have more faith in the lord, take more care to show those i love that i love them, become more like Christ, serve people, learn how to bake homemade bagels, be more active, spend less time worrying about my future and more time enjoying the present, stop holding silly grudges, start bringing others up, become a better friend, see god's hand in my life, plant flowers in the spring, laugh at myself, grow out my hair, go for a walk with no destination in mind, go swinging, speak kinder words, gain a greater relationship with Christ, care less about physical appearances, care more about the love a person has in their heart, i want to learn a second language, go exploring, discover new parts of myself...

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